Equipping new Hires in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay: Key Considerations

Hugh Irvine
Content Marketer at Hofy

One of the greatest business benefits of remote working is the ability to expand your talent search beyond the commuting distance of your offices and access the global talent market. But hiring and onboarding internationally comes with a myriad of challenges and considerations - especially when it comes to equipping new hires.

Latin America is proving to be a major hiring hub for remote work. But if you are hiring in the region, you need to be aware of several rules and regulations relating to labour and customs laws. There are also many practical considerations (e.g. customs processes) that will seriously affect your equipping process.

Argentina is one of the most popular countries that Hofy supplies to in the region, and while Chile and Uruguay have seemingly similar remote work laws, there are differences that could be missed if not looked into properly.

Here are a few of the legal and logistical considerations for sending equipment to remote workers in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. 

Allow time for customs clearance

You will need to allow ample time for your new hire’s equipment to get through customs. The higher the value or the bulkier the item, the longer it will take to clear customs. Combine that with the time it takes to translate documents like commercial invoices, and it could easily take 2+ weeks for shipping and customs clearance. 

Be prepared for shipping costs and fees for customs, duties, and taxes

To deliver a laptop worth $1,000 from the UK to Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, you will pay approximately $500, $550 and $570 respectively in shipping costs, duties & taxes alone. These costs can escalate due to local bureaucratic proceedings, and you may find added items on your final invoice labelled as “processing fee”, for example. 

Remote workers in all three countries have the ‘right to digital disconnection’

This means that remote workers have the right to not be contacted outside their working hours, and during annual leave and public holidays. Remote hires in the region have the right to disconnect from all work communications during these times. The possibility of being sanctioned for it is also prohibited. 

In Argentina… 

You must provide or fund equipment, installation, maintenance & repairs

You must provide employees with all equipment needed and pay all installation, maintenance and repair costs. Or, if employees use their own equipment, you must mutually agree on a compensation cost.

In Chile…

You must provide equipment and cover higher utility costs

You must provide remote hires with all the tools necessary to perform work and pay for all expenses generated by remote working (such as the higher costs of electricity, water, or internet bills).

You must also provide education on health & safety (H&S)

You must provide information and training to your new hires regarding H&S concerns related to remote working, prepare a matrix that identifies risks, and develop a company remote work safety program. 

In Uruguay…

You must pay for all equipment or mutually agree on what is paid for

You and your hire must agree, in writing, on what is paid for and who pays for it. Without an agreement, the employer must pay for all equipment, services and utilities necessary.

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