Industry insights Infographics

The costs of weak IT security
The global uptick in remote working has increased the frequency, range and probability of security incidents.

This infographic highlights the risks and potential costs to businesses of not prioritising IT security.

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Employee experience & equipment
Your employees use their equipment 8+ hours a day, 5 days a week. Equipment affects everything from their performance to wellbeing.

This infographic highlights the returns on providing high-quality equipment, and the potential losses of not.

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The Return-On-Investment
Ergonomic equipment is designed to allow a user to work as comfortably as possible, without straining or injuring any part of their body.

Ergonomic equipment often carries a higher price tag than traditional office equipment because of the quality of materials used, and amount of research that goes into the design. However, the returns in employee productivity, wellbeing, and satisfaction more than make up for the difference in investment.

The infographic below highlights the key returns on investing in ergonomic equipment.

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Minimising employee downtime from equipment
What is employee downtime?

Employee downtime is any time that employees can’t work productively due to factors outside of their control. These can range from train delays affecting a commute, to an employee’s laptop breaking down.

Minimising employee downtime is therefore crucial for business success, as well as employee morale and engagement.

In what ways does equipment cause employee downtime?

Any equipment issue that results in an employee’s work being disrupted, or renders the employee unable to work entirely, causes employee downtime.

Some equipment issues will affect an employee’s work irrespective of where they work (e.g. hardware and software issues). But when employees are distributed, the need to move devices (e.g. from your HQ to their home, to a repairs shop and back) can hugely increase downtime.

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